Reasons why Valve is not transferring CS:GO to the Source 2 engine.


Numerous times along the year, we heard that it would be a transfer of one of the most popular games worldwide CS:GO, to the brand new engine announced by worldwide known team Valve in far 2015 year – Source 2 engine. Firstly it was involved in  Dota 2, which was a massive development of the game as it includes many changes in the stream casting system and physics inside the game. It changed a game totally, giving streamers and users of different software to be involved in the game process on a high level, competing with professional players with their powerful machines for gaming. But in this case, we need to speak about a different game, which requires a lot of minor aspects to be thought of far before launching.

Transferring everything and conflict of interests

It might seem that it is so easy just to copy and paste models, sounds, effects, interactions with subjects, blurring, and all other stuff we used to see along with our gaming sessions in CS:GO now, to a better version of the engine. Almost for six years, the Valve team has been trying to implement all their innovation to a new Source 2 engine, but there is one big problem – CS:GO pro teams and esports itself. The main reason such a big team as Valve is struggling is a significant change for the niche of CS:GO pro ranks, which will face these changes unprepared on the main events of esports connected with the game. It will cause disappointment if something does not transfer the game’s mechanics with changed physics as it was in Dota 2, which can influence FPS games much more than MOBA games. So, the CSGO teams will need to have some time to adapt to a new system, for which Valve instead needs to create some testing resources or give some offseason time for CS:GO team rankings to adjust.

News from CS:GO

Even after some years of development, we were able to see from CS:GO news that in the end, team Valve announced that they are hardly trying to correct their engine mechanics right now, which means that they are already working on transferring our favorite game on the new engine which probably will give it second birth after a decrease of players plays the game during last several years. It will attract new players and make old ones come back and try it by themself, making starting a new engine a whole new advertisement company.

All in all, it will give esports and CS:GO team ranking a new breath of willingness to compete with each other because they will be able to invent new tricks, new smokes, new strategies, which will bring them a lot of fun and motivation to play more with the bonus of streaming it with the new engine, which provides a unique quality of streaming. Like CS:GO pro teams will share theirs steam on Twitch and other media resources, it will share among people.

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